The Ideal Point/Looking into the Event of My Deep South Life...
A Storyboard Performance.
Chapter 12: Alex Katz's Wife, Ada, Meets Georgia O'Keefe
Regular price $2,000.00
Chapter 11: Swans into Heavenly Earth Tune: Lullaby
Chapter 10: The Ugly Duckling Breaks Her Cosmic Egg Tune: I'm Wishing ... I'm Wishing ...
Chapter 9: Seven Gosling Eggs at Rest in Their Nest Tune: Jesus Loves Me
Chapter 8: Amistad Tune: Yankee Doodle
Chapter 7: Santa Pine(s) Tune: Au Clair de la Lune
Chapter 6: Harriett Tubman's Railroad Today Tune: Merrily We Roll
Chapter 5: The Drummer and The Fife
Chapter 4: Baby in Good Hands? A feeling Meter/A Memory Marker
Chapter 3: The Muffin Man
Chapter 2: Father George Washington
Chapter 1: Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep